構成保管サーバーの更改その 3



Using a Different Configuration Storage Server
Problem: Neither the primary nor alternate Configuration Storage servers are accessible.

Cause: The primary Configuration Storage server may become unavailable, and the alternate Configuration Storage server is either not configured or also unavailable. The Configuration Agent can switch to another Configuration Storage server only by reading a configuration change from the currently configured Configuration Storage server.

Solution: To switch to a different Configuration Storage server, use the ChangeStorageServer.vbs script, available in the FPC\Program Files\Microsoft ISA Server folder on the ISA Server CD. For usage instructions, run

cscript ChangeStorageServer.vbs ?.


cscript ChangeStorageServer.vbs %変更先コンピュータ名% windows

こんなコマンドでたぶん OK。ドメイン環境なら。
終わったら移行元の ISASTGCTRL サービスを停止させる。
この状態でしばらく様子見、OK ならサーバー削除するなりサービスアンインストールするなり。